Canal Fulton Public Library Children’s Department April Events

Tots and Tales: Registration is required for this event; call us at 330-854-4148. Children ages 0-2, accompanied by an adult will enjoy books, songs, active rhymes, lap bounces and group play during these story time sessions. Tuesdays and Thursdays from January 3rd-April 27th from 10-10:20 a.m.

Feed Me a Story: Registration is required for this event; call us at 330-854-4148. Story time for children ages 3-5, accompanied by an adult. Enjoy stories, songs, rhymes, and more! Wednesdays January 4th-April 26th from 11-11:30 a.m.

Egg Dyeing: Registration is required for this event; call us at 330-854-4148. Join us while we get festive and dye eggs at the library! All materials will be provided. Ages 3-12. Tuesday, April 4th from 6-7 p.m.

Augmented Reality Exploration Art and Literature: Registration is required for this event; call us at 330-854-4148. Learn about and explore what augmented reality (enhanced version of reality created by the use of technology) is through hands-on activities. The theme is art and literature. For ages 3-12. Wednesday, April 5th from 5:30-6:45 p.m.

Egg Scavenger Hunt: Registration is required for this event; call us at 330-854-4148. Answer all 10 clues that are hidden in eggs around the library and win a special prize! For grades K-5. Thursday, April 6th from 6-7 p.m.

Augmented Reality Exploration Science, Math Technology: Registration is required for this event; call us at 330-854-4148. Learn about and explore what augmented reality (enhanced version of reality created by the use of technology) is through hands-on activities, apps, and specifically designed STEAM toys. The theme is science and math. For ages 3-12. Wednesday, April 12th at 5:30 p.m.

Coding with Ozobots: Registration is required for this event; call us at 330-854-4148. Join us and learn about Ozobots! Ozobots are little robots that are designed as an introduction to coding. You’ll use color combinations to move the ozobot on a path from one location to another. For grades K-5. Thursday, April 13th from 6-7 p.m.

DIY Bird feeders: Registration is required for this event; call us at 330-854-4148. Getting ready for spring? Bring your imagination with you as we decorate bird feeders! For grades K-5. Thursday, April 20th from 6-7 p.m.

Diverse Designs: Multicultural Art: Registration is required for this event; call us at 330-854-4148. Join us every month as we discuss an artist from a diverse background and create our own artwork inspired by the artist’s style. This month we will discuss the artist Pablo Picasso. This event is for all ages but recommended for ages 3 and up. Friday, April 21st from 5-6 p.m.

PJ Storytime: Registration is required for this event; call us at 330-854-4148. Enjoy books, rhymes, and songs to help wind down your evening. Pajamas are encouraged, but not required. Ages birth-12. Wednesday, April 26th at 6:00 p.m.

Kids’ Pokemon Club: Registration is required for this event; call us at 330-854-4148. Do you love Pokémon? Come and join other Pokémon enthusiasts and bring your cards and your friends! For grades K-5. Thursday, April 27th from 6-7 p.m.

STEM for Tiny Hands: Registration is required for this event; call us at 330-854-4148. Children ages 2-5 with the help of a parent or caregiver will use their tiny hands to explore S.T.E.M concepts and activities. This program is filled with hands-on activities that include materials that may be messy or wet. Theme: Bugs Friday, April 28th at 10:00 a.m.

Mother’s Day Mugs: Registration is required by visiting the children’s department or by calling 330-854-4148. Using the library’s Cricut and mug press, create a personalized mug just in time for Mother’s Day! These are 1-on-1 sessions lasting 30 minutes. Limit of 1 session per family. Recommended for children ages 6-12. Saturday, May 6th from 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m.


Apr 01 - 30 2023


8:00 am - 7:00 pm
December 5, 2024, 10:02 am