Sonnenberg Station Concert
Sonnenberg Station Concert
Sonnenberg Station is an 18-voice men’s choral ensemble based in Kidron, Ohio. For more than 14 years, the group has performed in over 60 different venues to appreciative audiences throughout Ohio. Each season offers diverse selections from contemporary to classical, hallowed to lighthearted, including arrangements by the group’s director, Tim Yoder.
It has been said that music is a tremendous force and a great uniter. As we deal with the stresses, pressures, and concerns of daily life we love participating in something so beautiful that possesses the potential to create common ground among many differences. Sonnenberg Station is pleased to celebrate the power of song in this upcoming spring season and invites you to share in this invigorating experience. This season’s repertoire will offer selections that range from contemporary to classical, hallowed to lighthearted, also featuring pieces that represent various cultures, eras, and styles.
Join Sonnenberg Station for a Spring concert at the following venues:
Saturday, March 14th at 7 PM: Summit Mennonite Church, Barberton
Sunday, March 15th at 3 PM: Cornerstone Community Church
Wednesday, March 18th at 7 PM: Crown Hill Mennonite Church, Rittman
Friday, March 20th at 7 PM: Good Shepherd Christian Church, Macedonia
Please check and on our Facebook page for updates. This event is free of charge; an offering will be taken at each performance to help with our expenses.
Sonnenberg Station
Where will the event be held?
18600 Davis Road
Dalton, OH 44618