We have reached out to the superintendents of local schools about the mandate for an extended Spring Break. Below is what they have responded about their districts. We will continue to add updates as they become available.
Ashland Local Schools will continue to follow the Governor’s orders to suspend school due to COVID-19. School is in session as normal for Friday, March 13th, 2020. School will now be closed Monday March 16th, 2020.
Central Christian School will begin a three week extended Spring Break on Monday, March 16th. By April 6, there will be a re-evaluation of the plan to return. By the end of the extended Spring Break, Central will have a strong plan in place for instruction, psycho-social care, connection, and faith formation if the school needs to educate remotely.
Chippewa Local Schools are on a scheduled Spring Break March 16-20. Starting March 23, Instructional Materials will be disseminated to all students.The Food Service Department is creating a plan of action is disseminate meals to those families that qualify. Principals will be in their buildings and available through email March 23-April 3.
East Holmes will be open Friday, March 13th, but will be closed started Monday, March 16th – April 5th.
Green Local Schools is following the lead of Gov. Mike DeWine’s proactive approach to keeping our state safe and will be closed Monday, March 16, 2020 through April 3, 2020.
Hillsdale has spring break scheduled April 6 – 10th, so they will be closed from Monday, March 16th – April 12th with students. Staff will report Monday and then they are closing buildings for cleaning.
Orrville City Schools are closed beginning Monday, March 16 through April 3rd. Whether they return to school on Monday, April 6 is yet to be determined.
Triway will be closed on Monday, March 16th through April 3rd based on Gov. DeWine’s announcement. Spring break will remain from April 6-10. Students will resume April 13th unless there is another announcement from the Governor.
Waynedale/Southeast Local Schools is closed beginning Monday, March 16 through April 3rd.
Wooster will be closed on Monday, March 16th through April 12th. Teachers will be in on Monday to finish up Google Classroom curriculum.