Mid-Ohio Small Farm Conference

Mid-Ohio Small Farm Conference:

The 2020 mid-Ohio Small Farm Conference will be held on Saturday, March 14 in Ovalwood Hall on the Ohio State University Mansfield campus. The OSU Mansfield campus is located at 1760 University Drive in Mansfield. Conference registration opens at 8:00 am, the program begins at 8:30 am and concludes by 3:30 pm. The theme of the small farm conference is “Sowing Seeds for Success”. Throughout the day, participants will choose from more than 30 topics, and attend four different breakout sessions. General topic tracks that participants will choose from include horticulture, produce production, natural resources, livestock, specialty crops, farm management, marketing and miscellaneous.

The cost of the conference is $75 per person including lunch and handout materials. The registration deadline is March 6. For more information about the conference, including a conference brochure listing specific topic titles, presentation times and presenters, along with a registration form, go to http://go.osu.edu/osufarmconference2020. For answers to specific questions, call the OSU Morrow County Extension office at (419) 947-1070.


Mar 14 2020


8:00 am
May 6, 2024, 11:42 am